The Church of St. Mary, followers of Christ, are inspired by our Catholic Faith to brough the Eucharist, Prayer, and Education, as the family of God, and with one another, we desire to live our faith in the world.


St. Mary's Church Elizabeth, IL

Special Announcement For Cemetery

The Parish Council and Finance Committee approved the updated Cemetery Rules and Regulations listed below at their meeting of Dec. 6 2023.  We ask for your assistance in keeping our cemetery as a safe and beautiful area not only for our visitors, but for the cemetery personnel.  Any questions or comments can be directed to any memeber of the Parish Council or Finance Committee.  Thank you.


Cemetery Rules and Regulations - effective 4/1/24

               (For the safety and efficiency of cemetery personnel)

  •       No planting of trees, shrubbery, or flowers 
  •       No glass or wire allowed
  •       Decorations - Flowers, shepherd's hooks, statues, solar lights, personal items, etc.
  •                   Up to 2 decorations allowed on the concrete base of the monument
  •                   One saddle arrangement allowed per monument
  •                   One additional decoration per grave allowed in the ground

                                           (does no include Veterans's markers)

  •          Any excess decorations will be removed by cemetery personnel

                              Families will be notified that the decorations were removed and will be 

                              told where they can pick them up

  •          All seasonal or damaged decorations will be removed prior to the semi-annual 

                  Clean-Ups on April 1st and October 1st of each year



Pastor Message and Prayer


Getting to know the Holy Spirit

Discover four examples of discipleship

The Book of Acts follows the developement of the chursh from Pentecost to Paul's preaching in Rome.  The spread of the gospel from Jerusalem to the center of the Roman Empire is propelled by the work of God's Sprit.  Acts describes many leaders in the early church who contribute to the expansion fo the gospel.  They are instruments of the Spirit.  Examining their activity provedes a useful descrption of what disipleship entailed in the first century and what it entails today.

Phillip: A disciple is called to follow

Chapter eight of Acts describes Philip's missionary work in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25).  Once that work was complted Phillip is told to go to "the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza" (Acts 8:26).  On that road on Ethiopian eunuch, who was a court official of the queen of Ethiopia , is returning from worship in Jerusalem in his chariot.  The Spirit of God then tells Phillip, "Go over to this chariot and join it" (Acts 8:29).  It is a peculiar request.  Phillip does not know the eunuch and has no reason to expect that his sudden presence would be welcomed by this infuential stranger.  But Philip follows the Spirit's directions and discovers that his arrival has been carefully prepared.  The eunuch is already reading the propehet Isaih and wondering about its significance.  When Philip offers to explain, the eunuch invites him to enter his chariot.  Philip's explanation leads the eunuch to faith and eventually baptism ( Acts 8:38).  A new Christian believes because Philip follows the Spirit's prompting.

     We, like Philip, should remain open to the Spirit's call.  The Spirit may inspire us to phone an old friend, to bring flowers to a spouse, to stop into a daughter's room for a talk, or to try again for reconcilation with a family member.  When the Spirit is active, we will discover that the circumstances have been prepared for our actions and that God's grace will abound.  We can never predict when the Spirit might call us to act.  The diciple therefore lives in readiness.  At any moment, the Spirit may call us to go.  Then, like Philip, we should follow.

To Be Continued


Fr. Joachim








St. Mary Mass Times

Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday 8:30am

Daily Mass Times
Wednesday 8:30am
Wednesday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9am-9:30am
Friday 8:30am
First Friday 8:30am Healing Mass and Adoration

Confession Times
Saturday from 5:30-5:50 or
by appointment by calling the Rectory at 815-858-3422

Ash Wednesday: March 2nd
St. Mary 8:30 A.M.
6:00 P.M.

St. John 4:00 P.M.

St. Mary Office Hours

Tuesday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 am- 3:30 p.m.. by appointment
Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

St .Mary Staff

Photo Albums
