The Church of St. Mary, followers of Christ, are inspired by our Catholic Faith to brough the Eucharist, Prayer, and Education, as the family of God, and with one another, we desire to live our faith in the world.


St. Mary's Church Elizabeth, IL

Pastor Message and Prayer


"Hope doe not disappoint"

A jubilee year is a special year of remissions of sins, debts; it is a universal pardon.  It is mentioned to occur in the Book of Leviticus (Leviticus 25:8-55) every 50th year as a year of thanksgiving, of liberty (during which slaves and prisoners would be freed), of forgiveness (debts would be forgiven), and sanctification (the mervies of God wold be partibularty manifest).

On Thursday, May 9, 2024 the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Pope Francis officially proclaimed the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025.  It is 2025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  This year offers the faithful opportunities to participate in various celebrations at the Vatican and in their dioceses.

On Christmas Eve of 2024, Pope Francis officially opened the holdy doors of St. peter's Basilica, inviting all Catholics to participate in this "event of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the Church."  For those who cannot tracel to Rome, bishops around the world are expected to designate their cathedrals or other popular amoung Catholics places as special places of prayer for the Jubilee Year, offering opportunities for celebrating the Mass, Sacrament of Reconcilation, adoration fo the Blessed Sacrament and other events, intended to revive and strengthen our faith.  Pope Francisc chose "Pilgrims of Hope" as the theme for the Holy Year 2025 emphasizing, how the birth of Christ proclamied the down of hope in the world.  "Holding fast to Christ, the rock our salvation, enlightened by his word and renewwed by his grace, may we cross the threshold of this holy temple and so enter into a season of mercy and forgiveness in which every man and woman may encounter and embrace the path of hope, which does not disappoint, "Pope Francis said.  He also prayed that the Holy Spirit would soften the hearts, so that "enemies may speak each other again, adversaries may join hands and people may seek to meet together.'

"Grant that the church may bear faithful witness to your love and may shine forth as a vital sign of the blessed hope of you kingdom," the Pope prayed.

Making a pilgrimage, going to confession, receiving Communion and offering prayers to receive an indulgence is key part of the Jubliee Year.


Fr. Joachim








St. Mary Mass Times

Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday 8:30am

Daily Mass Times
Wednesday 8:30am
Wednesday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9am-9:30am
Friday 8:30am
First Friday 8:30am Healing Mass and Adoration

Confession Times
Saturday from 5:30-5:50 or
by appointment by calling the Rectory at 815-858-3422

St. Mary Office Hours

Tuesday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 am- 3:30 p.m.. by appointment
Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

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